Izzy Pludwinski

Izzy Pludwinski

Jerusalem, Israel


Izzy Pludwinski was born in New York in 1954.

He moved to Israel in 1978 where he entered a local university, chemistry department.

Realizing utter disinterest in the subject, Izzy plunged himself into the world of calligraphy.

As early as 1980, Izzy took up calligraphy professionally, attending different courses worldwide. He is fully absorbed in calligraphy studies.

Many of Izzy’s work began traveling worldwide. Many exhibitions organizers wanted to cooperate with him and see his work in the halls of their pavilions.

Besides participation in different exhibitions worldwide, Izzy had time to teach. His book, The Song of Songs, named after the name of a Bible book, was published in 2001.

“Working on the computer has its positive side, but one aspect is missing - risk taking. With the simple command of "undo" in our graphics program, one can go back in time and "take back" the last move. Not so in real calligraphy. There is no going back. One must live in the present and make the best of it. Like a swordsman, one must go forward with confidence and skill - or pay the consequence”.